Based on the popular Swedish illustrated children’s books with same name, Puck is an animated series of 7 min episodes with humour and wit about Puck’s adventures in everyday life. We follow preschool favourite Puck and their pink soft animal and side-kick, Bunny, trying things for the first time. Each episode conveys a wonderful feeling of trying out and completing something for the first time; going to the cinema, eating at a restaurant, and visiting the dentist. Puck also gets a new bicycle and visits the hairdresser. With the company of Bunny and the support of their bohemian-single parent Mom, Puck dares to encounter all things new.
Set in a contemporary Swedish urban city, Puck is a colourful and gentle series for the preschool audience. The series deals with gender topics and modern single-parent life wrapped in relatable stories of a four-year old’s daily life.
BCD Film is an independent production company based in Malmö, Sweden. The company focuses on producing arthouse film for a young and international audience. We work on auteur driven projects across genres including live action, animation, and documentary. Our content is intended for cinema, television and online, and we strive to work in lasting collaborations with our creatives.
BCD Film was founded in 2020 by Caroline Drab.
Caroline Drab