Crazy animated film about good and evil in which police officer Goodmind takes on four cases involving the devil and his magic wand.
Crazy animated film about good and evil in which police officer Goodmind takes on the devil and his magic wand in four different cases. Whether it’s rotten eggs at a farm, a grumpy bee among the flowers or an aggressive ball in a football stadium, Goodmind steps up and restores order. But will he make it through the tense final battle?
Trailers & Stills
Original titlePřípady poručíka Dobrodrůža
CategoriesShort film, Animation
Production countryCzech Republic
Duration7 min
Spoken languageNo dialogue
CompetitionOut of Competition Shorts
DirectorFilip Tatyrek
ScreenwriterFilip Tatyrek
ProducerMichaela Režová
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