Beautiful stop-motion animation about Kéria, who with baby orangutan Oshi and her cousin Selaï fight against the destruction of the rain forest of Borneo.
Kéria lives in Borneo. On her father’s palm oil plantation, close to the rainforest, she saves a baby orangutan who she names Oshi. Oshi is a victim of the mass deforestation through logging that is devastating the jungle. In her cousin Selaï, who comes to live with them, she and Oshi find a comrade in their fight against the destruction of the rain forest.
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Original titleSauvages
CategoriesFilm, Animation
Production countriesSwitzerland, France, Belgium
Duration87 min
Spoken languageDutch
CompetitionBest Children's Film Competition
DirectorClaude Barras
ScreenwritersClaude BARRAS, Nancy Huston, Morgan Navarro
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