The Junior Crew adds to the fun, excitement, and thrill of Cinekid Festival! Anyone aged between 7 and 12 years who loves watching films and series and playing the latest games can join.
The Junior Crew:
De Junior Crew heeft een speciale rol tijdens Cinekid Festival. Ze zijn aanwezig bij speciale momenten, zoals de opening van het festival. Ook reiken ze een Cinekid Leeuw uit.
This is a chance for the Junior Crew to go behind the scenes, watch a film, experiment in the MediaLab, and meet a famous influencer or actor.
The Junior Crew meets nine times a year at the Cinekid Headquarters in Amsterdam. Crew members should arrive by 3:45 PM to finish the meeting at 5:30 PM. Cinekid reimburses travel costs. Further details about dates to follow.
If you’d like to know more, please contact
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