Radio Cinekid

This exciting podcast workshop lets pupils find and tell stories from their community.

Radio Cinekid

What is Radio Cinekid?

All the best podcasters know that the best stories are found close to home. Aimed at children aged 9 to 12 years, the Radio Cinekid workshop lets young participants find and tell exciting stories from their community. The children get to go on an exciting adventure and make their very own mini podcast!

How it works

During five interactive workshops, children will learn everything they need to know about making a podcast. They’ll explore the tricks of audio storytelling and become experts at recording techniques. In groups, they’ll produce a plan and head out into the city to collect inspiring stories.

Story collectors

The workshop takes the children on a journey of discovery through Amsterdam, visiting places that are special to them. The young podcasters take their audience on a personal storytelling journey to their favourite hang-out spot, a place full of memories, or another location they want to share.

Why Radio Cinekid?

Radio Cinekid isn’t just lots of fun; it’s also great for children’s learning. They get to share their memories of locations or buildings with each other during the workshops, bringing their experiences to life. And as the children themselves decide which stories are worth telling, they feel a sense of ownership over the creative process.

Who’s it for?

This workshop is jointly organized by Cinekid and its partners. For the time being, the workshop is only open to participants who have been invited by these partners.

Win the Radio Cinekid Award!

At the end of the five workshops, the children will have produced a five-minute podcast that will feature at Cinekid Festival during the autumn holiday. A professional jury will hand an award to the best young podcast makers, who will get to accept the Radio Cinekid Award in person!

Our partners

Cinekid developed the workshops in collaboration with Stratenmakers Audiocollectief and Erfgoedwijzer met de klas. Radio Cinekid is supported by the Cultural Participation Fund and the Janivo Stichting foundation, as well as by its collaborations with the Stichting Studiezalen foundation, Swazoom, Noordje, Amsterdam Public Library, and Mokum Maakcoalitie.

This is Shorts by Kids

The most imaginative films are made by... kids! But how is a film made? The Shorts by Kids workshop teaches children to be the writers, actors, and directors of their own film.